International Human Rights Day: Youth leaders come together to talk about their commitment to human rights as they seek to inspire others to also become advocates for inclusion and equality.
Urbanization is one of the most important global trends of the 21st century. As pressure mounts on housing and health services, some groups risk being left behind, including in Europe, the world’s region with the highest ranking in the Human Development Index.
In order to acknowledge the suffering of victims and work towards greater tolerance, more efforts are needed to educate young people about the horror of the Roma genocide that took place during the Second World War, said the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the United Nations Human Rights Office for Europe in a joint statement on Roma Genocide Remembrance Day.
On World Refugee Day, the UN Human Rights Office in Brussels called on EU member States to prioritize saving the lives of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean.
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the UN Decade of People of African Descent from 2015 until 2024. The purpose of the Decade is to encourage States to recognize people of African descent and their contributions to the societies in which they live. The Decade also seeks to overcome historical injustices and accelerate development for communities of African descent who remain marginalized, stuck in poverty, and frequently victims of discrimination.
Every person can make a difference. It is from this very basic idea that the manual “Making a Difference” was born
The United Nations Regional Information Centre and Human Rights Regional Office for Europe invite you to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with a screening of: 'The Cleaners'
This year marks the 25 anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action for Human Rights. This landmark text paved the way for significant human rights advances. It helped spearhead the creation of new laws and human rights institutions offering stronger protection worldwide. On this anniversary, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the UN’s Human Rights Office calls on EU Member States to continue to stand up for the rights of everyone across Europe.