As the EU prepares the Conference on the Future of Europe, we have before us a unique forum to find solutions to some of the big questions facing the EU. One of them should be the place of international human rights in the EU.
06 Oct 22 10h00
A new study commissioned by the UN Human Rights Regional Office for Europe examines the extent to which EU law, policies and programmes are anchored in UN human rights norms and standards. It discusses the benefits of increased integration of international human rights law in EU law and policy making, identifies opportunities for better alignment and possible ways forward.
The Future of Europe: International Human Rights in EU Law and Policy-making
Tuesday 6 October 2020, 10:00 – 12:30
0.20-10.45 SESSION I
Moderated by Dima Yared, Human Rights Officer, UN Human Rights Regional Office for Europe
10.20-10.40 Perspective of the EU institutions (5-7 min each)
10.40-10.45 Perspective of a Practitioner
Noemí Alarcón Velasco, lawyer, Migration Committee Vice Chair of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)
10.45-11.15 Q&A
11.15-11.30 BREAK
11.30-11.50 SESSION II
Moderated by Israel Butler, Head of Advocacy, LIBERTIES EU
11.30-11.35 Labour Rights as Human Rights in EU Policy-Making
Lluís Prats, Head of International Relations Unit, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
11.35-11.40 International human rights in the Conference on the Future of Europe and the EU Child Rights Strategy
Iris Abraham, Communications and Policy Advisor, Cabinet of Commissioner Šuica
11.40-11.45 Perspective of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
Jonas Grimheden, Programme Manager - Supporting Human Rights Systems, Institutional Cooperation & Networks
11.45-11.50 Perspective of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions
Debbie Kohner, Secretary-General
11.50-12.30 Q & A and Closing