New Access Guide to UN Human Rights Standards available online
This web-based publication is meant as a reference tool for Members of the European Parliament and staff on information about and useful contacts for the international human rights framework and, more generally, to raise awareness about the normative work of the United Nations and its funds, programmes and specialized agencies.
The modest objective of this publication is to raise awareness about the full spectrum of human rights law and other norms, and to make known that there is a wealth of concrete recommendations that exist and on which Parliamentarians can draw when carrying out their important work.
The European Parliament is the European Union’s only directly elected institution through which Europeans exercise their right to participate in European Union affairs, as enshrined in article 21 of the UDHR.
Indeed, if human rights are to become a reality for everyone, Parliamentarians have an important role to play in exercising their specific powers in legislating and setting the budget for, and monitoring, the European Union decision-making process by applying a human rights lens.
read the full publication online.