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Sharing experiences and providing input to the World Congress against Enforced Disappearances

Online regional consultations with stakeholders from Europe

Overview of the status of the Convention in the region

Introduction by Elena Kountouri Tapiero, Acting Regional Representative, UN Office for Human Rights Europe,

14 June 2024

Good morning, good afternoon.

The adoption of the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (20 December 2006) represented a major step in the fight against this heinous crime.

As you know, the Convention is the first legally binding instrument concerning enforced disappearance at the global level. Yet, the Convention is one of the least ratified human rights conventions, despite significant efforts by various stakeholders.

To date, 98 States have signed the Convention but only 75 of the 193 UN member states have ratified the Convention globally, the most recent being South African and Thailand, who ratified last month, on 14 May and Côte d'Ivoire who ratified, last week, on 6 June.

Out of these 75 States parties:

  • 18 are States of the EU
  • 2 are Sates of the WEOG
  • 6 are States of the EEG

    Out of these 75 States parties: 20 States parties have recognised the competence of the Committee to examine individual complaints and also the same 20 States parties have recognised the competence of the Committee to examine interstate complaints.

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