The International Decade for People of African Descent was proclaimed in 2013 by the UN General Assembly (Resolution 68/237) with the theme “People of African Descent: Recognition, Justice and Development”. The Decade is observed from 2015 until 2024 and aims at overcoming racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and achieving recognition for the contributions of people of African descent to societies. The Programme of Activities for the Implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent requests international and regional organisations to give high priority to programmes and projects specifically tailored for fighting racism and racial discrimination against people of African descent. More information about the International Decade for People of African Descent is available on the following website:
26 Nov 18 09h00 - 28 Nov 18 00h00
Against this background the UN Human Rights Regional Office for Europe will host a human rights training for people of African descent from 26 – 28 November 2018, which will bring together persons of African descent from countries in Europe who are active in countering racism and racial discrimination at the national level. The training has the objective to increase the knowledge of participants about the functioning of the international human rights system as well as enabling them to make use of its instruments and mechanisms for defending the human rights of people of African descent. Furthermore, the training will provide participants with relevant skills to promote the implementation of the International Decade for people of African descent in their respective countries.
In accordance with the Programme of Activities for the Implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent, this training especially targets women, young men as well as persons with the experience of intersecting and multiple forms of discrimination. Further, the training aims to contribute to the capacity building of grass-root activists and enable their participation in the regional and international human rights context.
Through their participation in this training, participants will:
Requirements for application
Candidates will be selected based on their submitted applications. The selection will take into consideration sub-regional and gender balance, as well as the human rights situation of people of African descent in the respective countries.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Format of the training
The training has an interactive format, including presentations, discussions and working sessions. All training sessions will be facilitated by trainers from the UN Human Rights Regional Office for Europe.
Travel costs and per diem will be covered by the UN Human Rights Regional Office for Europe for selected candidates who reside outside Belgium.