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Statement for the Regional consultation on CEDAW draft general recommendation No. 40

Closing Statement for the Regional consultation on CEDAW draft general recommendation No. 40 on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems.

By Ms. Elena Kountouri Tapiero, Acting Regional Representative for Europe, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Regional Office for Europe,

Istanbul (remote participation), 27 March 2024.

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European Union Foreign Affairs Council - Dinner address to Development Cooperation Ministers by Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Dinner address to Development Cooperation Ministers by Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. 11 February 2024 Brussels, Belgium

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The ecosystem of human rights and current situation: Outcomes of the HR75 initiative

Statement by Elena Kountouri Tapiero

Acting Regional Representative Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Regional Office for Europe, Brussels,

Online conference 9 February 2024,

Organised by the The Institute for Human Rights and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.

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Introduction speech for the treaty on plastic waste

Paris, National Assembly on 24 May 2023

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