Towards a European Forum for Environmental Human Rights Defenders
On October 8, 2024, a pivotal meeting took place at the UN House in Brussels, bringing together over 80 stakeholders, including representatives from civil society, national human rights institutions (NHRIs), academia, and international organizations, to discuss challenges and ways forward to better support and protect Environmental Human Rights Defenders (EHRDs) in wider Europe.
The preparatory meeting was hosted by UN Human Rights Regional Office for Europe in partnership with UNEP, UNECE, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, and the Council of Europe, and in cooperation with the UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention and the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change. The event aimed to strengthen protection mechanisms and gather feedback on the creation of a European Forum for EHRDs.
EHRDs face mounting challenges, including criminalization, restrictive laws, and harassment, compounded by negative narratives, including in the media, framing them as threats to public order. The rise in digital attacks, such as smear campaigns and online surveillance, further jeopardizes their work. Marginalized groups, including women, youth, and Indigenous Peoples, encounter additional barriers, exacerbated by systemic discrimination and inadequate protection mechanisms.
Discussions highlighted the urgent need for more efforts to ensure implementation of legal obligations on participation and justice in environmental matters at national level and to ensure accountability for attacks and threats targeting EHRDs. Participants discussed the fragmented and scattered nature of the current EHRD protection landscape in the region, and called for tailored protection measures in particular for vulnerable defenders - including more effective tools to deal with online threats. Collaboration among civil society, NHRIs, EU, regional and international bodies, including international human rights mechanisms, was emphasized as key to create a cohesive protection framework for EHRDs, alongside dedicated funding to support protection efforts.
Several recommendations and ideas for further action emerged from discussions, including strong support for the initiative of a European Forum for EHRDs, envisioned as an inclusive platform for EHRDs to connect, strategize, and collaborate, with a view to promoting governments’ engagement and aligning environmental policies with human rights standards.
Underscoring its commitment to support and protect EHRDs and their vital role in advancing the human right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for all, and building on existing experiences in other regions, UN Human Rights will spearhead the European Forum’s establishment, in close cooperation with institutional partners, civil society, and grassroots organizations.
For more information, please read the event report available here.