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Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now.

To mark International Human Rights Day (10 December), UN Human Rights organized a Spotlight event for Human Rights Defenders in the European Parliament in Brussels, an Exhibition and more. Join in, mobilize and learn more!


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The United Nations Human Rights Regional Office for Europe’s (ROE) primary function is to advance human rights in the European Union (EU) through technical assistance, advocacy, and reporting on human rights, based on the recommendations of UN human rights mechanisms. the Regional Office works to address human rights gaps in EU legislation, budgeting and policy-making, seizing the impetus created by the Sustainable Development Agenda. In addition, the Regional Office strives for the integration of a human rights-based approach in EU external action, migration policies and development cooperation. The Office further fulfils an outreach, liaison and good offices role between the UN Human Rights Office globally and the EU institutions.

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